Witten's ?new look? is all about A-branes and provides a neat explanation of some things hinted at earlier in a paper of him and Gukov. He will publish it in due time I guess. Nothing new about quantum mechanics? that is, apart from Witten's clear .... Thanks, although I seem to have chosen a good time to go on vacation. In Peru on the Amazon now, heading back home soon, at work again on Monday. Will attempt to resume your regularly scheduled programming soon after that. ...
I've just started looking at it, may bring along a copy for summer bvacation/b reading when I head up to a lake in New Hampshire tomorrow. Other interesting things at the same blog include reports (here and here) from Ben Webster about talks by Sergei bGukov/b on categorification and gauge theory (about which he has a new expository paper here), as well as about an earlier talk by bGukov/b on Arithmetic Topology and Gauge Theory. Also worth reading are posts from Ben Webster about ...